Open sourcing h3i: a command line tool and library for low-level HTTP/3 testing and debugging
h3i is a command line tool and Rust library designed for low-level testing and debugging of HTTP/3, which runs over QUIC....
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h3i is a command line tool and Rust library designed for low-level testing and debugging of HTTP/3, which runs over QUIC....
Continue reading »2024-02-08
This is our story of what we learned about the connect() implementation for TCP in Linux. Both its strong and weak points. How connect() latency changes under pressure, and how to open connection so that the syscall latency is deterministic and time-bound...
Cloudflare is proud to participate in and contribute commitments to the 2023 Summit Summit for Democracy because we believe that everyone should have access to an Internet that is faster, more reliable, more private, and more secure...
Privacy Gateway enables privacy-forward applications to use Cloudflare as a trusted Relay, limiting which identifying information, including IP addresses, is visible to their infrastructure...
Cloudflare helps build a better Internet through collaboration on open and interoperable standards. This post will describe how Cloudflare contributes to the standardization process to enable incremental innovation and drive long-term architectural change....
October 13, 2021 12:59 PM
Learn more about Exported Authenticators, a new extension to TLS, currently going through the IETF standardisation process....
October 12, 2021 12:59 PM
In this post, we’ll dig into ECH details and describe what this protocol does to move the needle to help build a better Internet....
December 08, 2020 12:00 PM
Imagine passwords for online services that never leave your device, encrypted or otherwise. OPAQUE is a new cryptographic protocol that makes this idea possible, giving you and only you full control of your password....
December 08, 2020 12:00 PM
A deep dive into the Encrypted Client Hello, a standard that encrypts privacy-sensitive parameters sent by the client, as part of the TLS handshake....