
使用序列學習和可變階數馬爾可夫鏈 (Markov chain) 保護 API 免遭濫用


AIAPI ShieldAPI GatewayAPI Security

At Cloudflare, we protect customer APIs from abuse. This is no easy task, as abusive traffic can take different forms, from giant DDoS attacks to low-and-slow credential stuffing campaigns. We now address this challenge in a new way: by looking outside typical volumetric measures and using statistical machine learning to find important API client request sequences....

Cloudflare 全球連通雲背後的骨幹網


Connectivity CloudAnycastArgo Smart RoutingAthenian ProjectBGPBetter InternetCloudflare NetworkMagic Transit產品新聞

閱讀本文以瞭解 Cloudflare 全球骨幹網的最新里程碑和擴展,以及它如何支援我們的全球連通雲和我們的服務。瞭解我們的流量工程工具如何與我們的骨幹網和底層網路基礎架構互動。瞭解我們的網路如何與公有雲端、辦公室和網際網路互連,為全球客戶提供卓越的效能、安全性、可程式設計性和可視性...